Research Funded Projects
Year period: All periods
Research fields categories
When you hear the following letters, it means the information is related to a specific research field, as follows:
N is for Nanotechnology / Advanced materials
E is for Energy / Environment
B is for Biosciences / Biotechnology
A is for All research fields
Internationally Funded
Inorganic glass formers confined in nanoporous media: Synthesis, Structure, Dynamics
Funding Organization: NATO
Contract No.: PSTCLG977358/2000
Partners: FORTH/ICE-HT (GR); Institute for Technological and Informational Innovations (UA); Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA)
Duration: From: 2001 - to: 2002
Total Budget: 8.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: S. Yannopoulos
Patient TELEmonitoring; using Ultra Low Discomfort Vital Signs Sensors over Mobile Networks for Interactive Continuous CARE
Funding Organization: CEU
Contract No.: IST-2001-33299
Partners: Sema Group; SAE(ESP); Co-ordinator; Microelectornic Applications Center LTD (MICREL) (GR); Institute of Communication and Computer Systems of the National Technical University of Athens (ICCS/NTUA) (GR); Cesvit Microelettronica SRL(CMEL) (IT); Brunel University (BRUNEL) (UK); Oy Arbonaut (ARBO) (FI); Solinet Gmbh Telecommunications (SOLINET) (DE); Mutuam Mutua Previsio Social (MUTUAM) (ESP); Athens Medical Center SA(AMC) (GR)
Duration: From: 2001 - to: 2004
Total Budget: 180.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: G. Dassios
FLAME sensors for efficient gas turbine engine cycles (FLAMESEEK)
Funding Organization: CEU
Contract No.: ENK5-CT-2000-00115
Partners: Rolls-Royce Power Engineering Plc (UK); Co-ordinator; Lund University (SWE); Imperial College of Science; Technology and Medicine;(UK);FORTH/ICE-HT (GR); Universiteit Twente (NL); ABB ALSTOM POWER AB (SWE)
Duration: From: 2001 - to: 2003
Total Budget: 1.200.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: E. Mastorakos (Pl; Coordinator)
Preparation and characterisation of realistic model poilymerization catalysts using surface sensitive spectroscopies
Funding Organization: CEU
Contract No.: HPMF-CT-1999-00331
Duration: From: 2001 - to: 2001
Total Budget: 52.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: S. Kennou
Quasi-natural Consolidation of Unconsolidated or Poorly Consolidated Oil Formations
Funding Organization: CEU
Contract No.: NNE5/1999/20112
Partners: Schlumberger Norge A/S (NO); Co-ordinator; Norsk Hydro Asa (NO); FORTH/ICE-HT (GR); Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NO); TR Oil Services AS (NO)
Duration: From: 2001 - to: 2004
Total Budget: 1.650.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: A. Payatakes
Modelling of Low Emissions Combustors using Large Eddy Simulation (MOLECULES)
Funding Organization: European Commission
Contract No.: G4RD-CT-2000-00402
Partners: Rolls-Royce Deutschland GmbH (DE); Co-ordinator; MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union Muenchen GmbH;(DE); Rolls-Royce PLC (UK); Snecma Moteurs (FR); Turbomeca SA (FR); Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (SP); Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches;Aerospatiales (FR); FORTH/ICE-HT (GR); Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique;(CNRSCORIAINSA)(FR); Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique;(CNRSLCD) (FR); Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt eV(DE); Universitaet Darmstadt/TU (DE); Imperial College of Science; Technology and Medicine;(UK); Loughborough University (UK)
Duration: From: 2001 - to: 2004
Total Budget: 2.800.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: S. Couris
Funding Organization: CEU
Contract No.: G5RD-CT-2001-00568
Partners: Argo SA(ARGORD) (GR);Co-ordinator; Universite de Liege (ULGGICCERM) (FR); FORTH/ICE-HT (GR); Technology Transfer Centre GAIKER (GAIKER) (ESP); North Atlantic Fisheries College (NAFC) (UK); Polisilk SA (POLI) (ESP); Universitaet Erlangen Nuernberg (UERLIPM) (DE); Romvac Company SA (ROMVAC) (RO)
Duration: From: 2001 - to: 2004
Total Budget: 1.950.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: J. Kallitsis; G. Voyiatzis
Electrochromic Evacuated Advanced; Glazing (ELEVAG)
Funding Organization: CEU
Contract No.: ENK6-CT-2001-00547
Partners: FORTH/ICE-HT (GR);Co-ordinator; University of Patras (UPATDPSEL) (GR); University of Ulster (UULSTFESBEST) (UK); University of Manchester; Institute of Science and Technology (UNISTDC) (UK); Lund University (ULUNDLITCCCEPSE) (SE); Jagellonian University (UJAGFCTC) (PO); Uniglass Ltd (UNIGLASS) (GR); Toughglass Ltd (TOUGLA) (UK); LPatsis Glass SA(PATGLA) (GR)
Duration: From: 2001 - to: 2004
Total Budget: 708.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: A. Siokou
Development of a MW scale wind turbine for high wind complex terrain sites (MEGAWIND)
Funding Organization: CEU
Contract No.: ENK5-CT-2000-00328
Partners: Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (GR);:Co-ordinator; MADE Tecnologias Renovables SA (SP); NESCO Entrecanales Cubiertas (SP); Geobiologiki SAMetal and Plastic Constructions (GR); Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas;;Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (SP); FORTH/ICE-HT (GR); University of Patras (GR); National Technical University of Athens (GR); University of Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK)
Duration: From: 2001 - to: 2004
Total Budget: 3.600.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: C. Galiotis (Pl; Coordinator)
Wind Turbine Rotor Blades for Enhanced Aeroelastic Stability and Fatigue Life Using Passively Damped Composites
Funding Organization: CEU
Contract No.: ENK6-CT-2000-00320
Partners: Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (GR);;Co-ordinator; Risoe National Laboratory (DK); Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (NL); FORTH/ICE-HT (GR); Aerpac BV(NL); Geobiologiki SAMetal and Plastic Constructions (GR); Univesrity of Patras (GR); Danmarks Teknische Universitet (DK)
Duration: From: 2001 - to: 2004
Total Budget: 1.990.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: C. Galiotis (Pl; Coordinator)
Nationally Funded
Ανάπτυξη και χαρακτηρισμός υλικών που βασίζονται σε νανοσωλήνες άνθρακα με εφαρμογή στην απομάκρυνση ρύπων από νερό
Funding Organization: GSRTContract No.: HUN94
Duration: From: 2012 - to: 2014
Total Budget: 15.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget: 15.000 EURO
ICE-HT Researchers: Ch. Tsakiroglou (PI)
Graphene and Graphene nanocomposites: production, properties and applications
Funding Organization: Ministry of EducationContract No.: MIS 380389
Duration: From: 2012 - to: 2015
Total Budget: 599.400 EURO
ICE-HT Budget: 599.400 EURO
ICE-HT Researchers: C. Galiotis (PI)
Source Localization and Stability Analysis in Electro–Magneto–Encephalography
Funding Organization: GSRTContract No.: 1482
Duration: From: 2012 - to: 2015
Total Budget: 200.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget: 200.000 EURO
ICE-HT Researchers: G. Dasios (PI)
Μελέτη κλιματικών μεταβολών και ατμοσφαιρικής ρύπανσης στην Ελλάδα : εκτίμηση μελλοντικών περιβαλλοντικών και κοινωνικο-οικονομικών επιπρώσεων σε τοπικό επίπεδο
Funding Organization: ΕΥΔ/ΕΤΑΚContract No.: ΣΥΝ09-31-667
Partners: NCSR DEMOKRITOS; Αναπτυξιακή Δυτικής Μακεδονίας ΑΕ; Αναπτυξιακή ΔημΕπιχείρηση Πάτρας; Σύλλογος "Πάρκο Τήλου"
Duration: From: 2011 - to: 2014
Total Budget: 701.250 EURO
ICE-HT Budget: 225.000 EURO
ICE-HT Researchers: S. Pandis (PI)
Ανάπτυξη ερευνητικού δυναμικού ΙΤΕ/ΙΕΧΜΗ
Funding Organization: ΠΔΕContract No.: 312121
Duration: From: 2011 - to: 2013
Total Budget: 148.300 EURO
ICE-HT Budget: 148.300 EURO
ICE-HT Researchers: C. Galiotis (PI)
Βελτιστοποίηση ελέγχου περιβάλλοντος σε καλλιέργειες υπό κάλυψη για διαχείρηση της αλατότητας με αξιοποίηση ομικών τεχνολογιών
Funding Organization: ΕΥΔ/ΕΤΑΚContract No.: ΣΥΝ09-22-797
Partners: Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania CIHEAM - IAM; Κέντρο Έρευνας Τεχνολογίας και Ανάπτυξης Θεσσαλίας; AGRITEX ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΚΗ ΑΕ
Duration: From: 2011 - to: 2014
Total Budget: 700.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget: 187.089 EURO
ICE-HT Researchers: M. Klapa (PI)
Ανάπτυξη καινοτόμων βιοδεργασιών για την αξιοποίηση των υπολλειμάτων βιομηχανίας τροφίμων προς παραγωγή βιοκαυσίμων
Funding Organization: ΕΥΔ/ΕΤΑΚContract No.: ΣΥΝ09-32-621
Duration: From: 2011 - to: 2014
Total Budget: 681.625 EURO
ICE-HT Budget: 192.500 EURO
ICE-HT Researchers: G. Lyberatos (PI)
Ανάπτυξη νέας γενιάς πολυμερικών μεμβρανών με κάθετο εμβολισμό νανοσωλήνων άνθρακα για τον καθαρισμό υδατικών αποβλήτων και την επαναχρησιμοποίηση του νερού
Funding Organization: ΕΥΔ/ΕΤΑΚContract No.: 09ΣΥΝ-42-620
Partners: ΙΝΤΕΡΚΕΜ-ΕΛΛΑΣ ΑΒΕΕ; Έρευνα και Ανάπτυξη Νανοσωλήνων Άνθρακα ΑΕ
Duration: From: 2011 - to: 2014
Total Budget: 532.500 EURO
ICE-HT Budget: 22.500 EURO
ICE-HT Researchers: V. Mavrantzas (PI)
Μη Γραμμιική οπτική απόκριση και οπτική αποθήκευση πληροφορίας σε νέα φωτονικά υλικά
Funding Organization: GSRTContract No.: PE3-1612
Duration: From: 2011 - to: 2015
Total Budget: 150.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget: 150.000 EURO
ICE-HT Researchers: C. Iliopoulos (PI)
Ανάπτυξη βιοδιυλιστηρίου για την αξιοποίηση υπολειμμάτων παραγωγής βιοντήζελ προς βιοαοπικοδομήσιμα πολυμερή και προϊόντα υψηλής προστιθέμενης αξίας
Funding Organization: ΕΥΔ/ΕΤΑΚContract No.: 09ΣΥΝ-81-715
Partners: ARGO SA; Agricultural Univof Athens; CHIMAR HELLAS ΑΕ; ΠΕΤΤΑΣ ΠΝΑΒΕΕ
Duration: From: 2011 - to: 2014
Total Budget: 782.800 EURO
ICE-HT Budget: 180.000 EURO
ICE-HT Researchers: G. Lyberatos (PI)
Funded by Industry/Other
Funding Organization: VOLKSWAGEN
Other Partners:
Duration: From: 1988 - to: 1990
ICE-HT Researchers: Vayenas, C. (PI)
Funding Organization: ΔΕΠ ΑΕ
Other Partners:
Duration: From: 1985 - to: 1986
ICE-HT Researchers: Α.Χ. Παγιατάκης (PI)