Research Funded Projects

Year period: All periods

Research fields categories

When you hear the following letters, it means the information is related to a specific research field, as follows:

N is for Nanotechnology / Advanced materials
E is for Energy / Environment
B is for Biosciences / Biotechnology
A is for All research fields

Internationally Funded

Fundamental studies of non-faradaic catalysis

Funding Organization: CEU
Contract No.: SC1*-CT90-0533
Partners: University of Cambridge; Department of Chemistry; Coordinator; FORTH/ICE-HT (GR)
Duration: From: 1991 - to: 1994
Total Budget: 192.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: C. Vayenas (PI)


Process research and development for the partial oxidation of methane to C2- hydrocarbones or to oxygenated C1 molecules

Funding Organization: CEU
Contract No.: JOUF-0044-C (TT)
Partners: Technische Univesriteit Eindhoven; Coordinator; Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum; Universiteit Twente; Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute; University of Limerick; FORTH/ICE-HT (GR); CNRS
Duration: From: 1990 - to: 1993
Total Budget: 2.340.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: X. Verykios (PI)



Resolution de problemes de corrosion depots dans les systemes geothermiques

Funding Organization: CEU
Contract No.: JOUG-0005-C (EDB)
Partners: Le Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres; Coordinator; L' Institut de Recherches Hydrologiques (IRH); The Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute (CPERI); FORTH/ICE-HT (GR); L' Universita degli Studi di Pisa; Ingenieria Chimica (UnPisa)
Duration: From: 1990 - to: 1992
Total Budget: 792.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: P. Koutsoukos (PI)


High performance coating materials for application in corrosive and abrasive environments (HIPERMAT)

Funding Organization: CEU
Contract No.: BREU-0118-C (GDF)
Partners: Danfoss A/S; Coordinator; The Technical University of Denmark; FORTH/ICE-HT (GR); Ceramics and Refractors Technological Developmnet Company; Stiftung Institut fuer Werkstofftechnik
Duration: From: 1990 - to: 1993
Total Budget: 2.226.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: G. Papatheodorou (PI)


Structure and refractory metal halide and oxihalide complexes in alkali halide melts and their influence on the refractory metal electrocrystallization

Funding Organization: CEU
Contract No.: SC1-0294-C(TT)
Partners: FORTH/ICE-HT (GR); Coordinator; Universitaet Karlsruhe
Duration: From: 1990 - to: 1993
Total Budget: 195.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: G. Papatheodorou (PI)


Operational Tests of SOFC-Modules and Use of SOFC as Chemical Reactors

Funding Organization: CEU
Contract No.: JOUE-0033-C (MB)
Partners: Dornier GmbH; Coordinator; FORTH/ICE-HT (GR)
Duration: From: 1990 - to: 1993
Total Budget: 560.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: C. Vayenas (PI)


Development of improved damage tolerant carbon fibres- organic matix composites

Funding Organization: CEU
Contract No.: BREU-0089-C (CD)
Partners: Aerospatiale Societe Nationale Industrielle SA(Etablissement de Suresnes-Centre Commun de Recherches Luis-Bleriot (AS); Construcciones Aeronauticas SA; (CASA); Avions Marcel Dassault-Breguet Aviation SA; (AMD- BA); Messerschmitt-Boelkow-Blohm GmbH (Unternehmensgruppe Hubschrauber und Flugzeuge- Unternehmensbereich MBB Flugzeuge (MBB); Brochier SA (BROCHIER); ENKA AG (ENKA); FORTH/ICE-HT (GR)
Duration: From: 1990 - to: 1993
Total Budget: 1.756.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: S. Paipetis (PI)


Polymer Behaviour in Flow through Porous Media

Funding Organization: CEU
Contract No.: STI-045-J-C (CD)
Partners: FORTH/ICE-HT (GR); Universita degli studi di Bologna (IT)
Duration: From: 1985 - to: 1987
Total Budget: 27000
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: Payatakes A,C, (PI)


Nationally Funded

Research and development of smart polymer matrix composite systems with embedded shape memory wires

Funding Organization: GSRT
Contract No.: 01 ED 363
Duration: From: 2002 - to: 2006
Total Budget: 76.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: C. Galiotis


The role of adsorbed macromolcules in the stabilization of nanoscopic particles: Applications to the technlogy of coatings

Funding Organization: GSRT
Contract No.: 01 ED 587
Duration: From: 2002 - to: 2006
Total Budget: 220.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: V. Mavrantzas


Non destructive testing of pressure vessels and fuel tanks

Funding Organization: GSRT
Contract No.: 01 ED 420
Duration: From: 2002 - to: 2006
Total Budget: 82.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: D. Polyzos


Non-invasive methods for early diagnosis of eye diseases

Funding Organization: GSRT
Contract No.: 01 ED 559
Duration: From: 2002 - to: 2006
Total Budget: 132.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: S. Yannopoulos; G. Voyiatzis


Ανόργανοι υαλοποιητές περιορισμένοι σε νανοπορώδοι μέσα: Σύνθεση; δομή και δυναμική [available only in greek]

Funding Organization: GSRT
Contract No.: 7541/24501 (Bilateral Cooperation Greece-Ukraine)
Duration: From: 2001 - to: 2003
Total Budget: 13.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: S. Yannopoulos


Σύνθεση αργιλοφωσφορικών μοριακών κοσκίνων τροποποιημένων με μέταλλα μεταπτώσεως και μελέτη των καταλυτικών ιδιοτήτων τους [available only in greek]

Funding Organization: GSRT
Contract No.: 2494/230201 (Bilateral Cooperation Greece-Slovenia)
Duration: From: 2001 - to: 2003
Total Budget: 12.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: Th. Ioannides


Scale formation in heat exchangers Formation of mixed salts

Funding Organization: GSRT
Contract No.: 16905/121200 (Bilateral Cooperation Greece-Albania)
Duration: From: 2001 - to: 2003
Total Budget: 8.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: P. Koutsoukos


Καταλύτες κεραμικών αφρών για βιομηχανικές και ενεργειακές διεργασίες υψηλών θερμοκρασιών [available only in greek]

Funding Organization: GSRT
Contract No.: 867/230101(Bilateral Cooperation Greece-Poland)
Duration: From: 2001 - to: 2003
Total Budget: 12.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: Th. Ioannides


Μια νέα γενιά δυναμικών προσομοιωτών: Επιστημονικοί Υπολογισμοί ευστάθειας; διακλάδωσης; λειτουργικότητας και ελέγχου για σύστημα κατανεμημμένων παραμέτρων [available only in greek]

Funding Organization: GSRT
Contract No.: 99ED-275
Partners: FORTH/ICE-HT (GR); NTUA (Chemical Engineering Dept); Ινστιτούτο Υπολογιστικών Μαθηματικών/ΙΤΕ
Duration: From: 2000 - to: 2001
Total Budget: 170000
ICE-HT Budget:
ICE-HT Researchers: J. Kevrekidis


Funded by Industry/Other

No Industry Research Funded Projects Found