FORTH / ICE-HT Impact Metrics
People of FORTH / ICE-HT
The personnel of FORTH/ICE-HT amounts to about 230. Of these, 12 are Researchers (in tenured or tenure-track positions), 21 are Collaborating Faculty Members from various Departments of the University of Patras (Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Pharmacy), National Technical University of Athens and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 8 are Visiting Faculty Members, 50 are Postdoctoral Associates working for research and innovation projects on a contract basis, 70 are Postgraduates, and 17 are administrative and technical staff.
FORTH / ICE-HT publishes over 200 papers per year in international journals. Over the recent years, its publications have been receiving annually more than 10,000 bibliographic references (source: Web of Science). The total number of citations to ICE-HT papers is over 90,000. The average H index is ~30.5 (data from Web of science) and the Impact Factor of the journals in which ICE-HT publications appear exceeds 6. Several publications by ICE-HT research groups are published in very high Impact Factor journals and are given explicit mention in the international literature as selected papers.

In addition to the regular state funding, external funding is attracted by the Institute researchers to cover research expenses and to support the overall Institute operation. The main sources are EC competitive grants, competitive grants from National programmes, Institutional projects (at FORTH and ICE-HT level, such as KRIPIS, National Research Infrastructures, Stavros Niarchos Foundation), contracts with the private sector and academic establishments. Matching funds are also provided by the Public Investment Programme.
More than 100 projects have been active at the Institute in 2020 or later, amounting to ICE-HT budget of over 22 million euros. The number of partners in these projects is around 280, half of which, approximately, are companies and the rest are research or academic partners. Four (4) ERC grants have been implemented at the Institute by FORTH/ICE-HT teams, of which two (2) are advanced grants, one (1) is consolidator (still in progress through 2023), and one (1) is Proof of Concept grant.
The Institute provides full administrative and technical support to the research personnel for the implementation of these projects through its administrative and technical services that collaborate closely with the central FORTH services at Heraklion.