
Research fields categories

When you hear the following letters, it means the information is related to a specific research field, as follows:

N is for Nanotechnology / Advanced materials
E is for Energy / Environment
B is for Biosciences / Biotechnology
A is for All research fields

Awards to Researchers of FORTH/ICE-HT

Published: 25/07/2013

During the 9th Panhellenic Scientific Symposium of Chemical Engineering, held in Athens on 23-25 May 2013, the best works were selected and awarded by a...
Tailor Graphene is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary programme of research funded by the European Research Council (Advanced Grant), aiming to determine the full response of...
The European Commission has chosen "GRAPHENE" as one of the first Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) flagship and it is to receive one billion Euros...
General Announcements

Forum of Development 2012 / 15th Money Show

Published: 24/11/2012

FORTH/ICE-HT participated again for the sixth year in a row in the multi-conference "Forum of Development 2012/15th Patras Money Show" and specifically in the section...




Scientific News, Distinctions

FORTH/ICE-HT publication was highlighted as a “Spotlight in Optics”

Published: 03/09/2012

The recently published paper by S. N. Yannopoulos (Principal Researcher of FORTH/ICE-HT) and co-workers, titled: "Chalcogenide glass layers in silica photonic crystal fibers" by C....
SCImago Research Group released SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) World Report 2011, the world broadest coverage ranking showing the research activity of 3042 universities and research-focused...




General Announcements

Forum of Development 2011 / 14th Money Show

Published: 19/11/2011

The established multi-conference - exhibition Forum of Development 2011 / 14th Money Show of Patras was organized and successfully held again this year on the...




Scientific News, Distinctions

FORTH/ICE-HT publication was voted as the hottest scientific article

Published: 26/09/2011

The recently published work by Prof. G. N. Papatheodorou, Distinguished Member of FORTH, and his coworkers, entitled: "Silicate Glasses at the Ionic Limit: Alkaline-Earth Sub-Orthosilicates"...
General Announcements

Funding of a research project on Graphene by Latsis Foundation

Published: 24/11/2010

The John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation has announced that the project of FORTH/ICE-HT entitled "Mechanical behaviour of two-dimensional crystals: The case of graphene" has...
General Announcements

Forum of Development 2010 / 13th Money Show

Published: 18/10/2010

The established multi-conference - exhibition Forum of Development 2010/13th Patras Money Show was organized and successfully held again this year on the weekend of October...




General Announcements

Forum of Development 2009 / 12th Money Show

Published: 21/11/2009

The organizing committee of the FORUM OF DEVELOPMENT 2009/12th Patras Money Show ( organized the well-established multi-conference and exhibition, on November 21 & 22, 2009,...




General Announcements

9th FORTH Retreat

Published: 11/10/2009

Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas ( organized the 9th FORTH Retreat, which took place in Loutra Kyllinis, at the Olympia Riviera Resort Hotel...