Journal Publications

Found: 419 publications in scientific journals

Year: All

Research fields categories

When you hear the following letters, it means the information is related to a specific research field, as follows:

N is for Nanotechnology / Advanced materials
E is for Energy / Environment
B is for Biosciences / Biotechnology
A is for All research fields

High-Resolution Data Sets Unravel the Effects of Sources and Meteorological Conditions on Nitrate and Its Gas-Particle Partitioning

Shi; XR; Nenes; A; Xiao; ZM; Song; SJ; Yu; HF; Shi; GL; Zhao; QY; Chen; K; Feng; YC; Russell; AG Journal: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Year: 2019 Volume: 53 Issue: 6 Pages: 3048-3057
Impact Factor: 7.149
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'High-Resolution Data Sets Unravel the Effects of Sources and Meteorological Conditions on Nitrate and Its Gas-Particle Partitioning'
Copyright © 2019, American Chemical Society


Detailed Analysis of Estimated pH- Activity Coefficients- and Ion Concentrations between the Three Aerosol Thermodynamic Models

Peng; X; Vasilakos; P; Nenes; A; Shi; GL; Qian; Y; Shi; XR; Xiao; ZM; Chen; K; Feng; YC; Russell; AG Journal: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Year: 2019 Volume: 53 Issue: 15 Pages: 8903-8913
Impact Factor: 7.149
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Detailed Analysis of Estimated pH- Activity Coefficients- and Ion Concentrations between the Three Aerosol Thermodynamic Models'
Reprinted with permission from {Environmental Science and Technology, 53 (15):8903-8913}. Copyright © 2019, American Chemical Society


Mechanical Stability of Flexible Graphene-Based Displays

Anagnostopoulos; G; Pappas; PN; Li; ZL; Kinloch; IA; Young; RJ; Novoselov; KS; Lu; CY; Pugno; N; Parthenios; J; Galiotis; C; Papagelis; K Journal: ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Year: 2016 Volume: 8 Issue: 34 Pages: 22605-22614
Impact Factor: 7.145
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Mechanical Stability of Flexible Graphene-Based Displays'
Reprinted with permission from (ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8 (34):22605-22614 (2016)). Copyright (2016) American Chemical Society


Multifunctional Polymeric Platform of Magnetic Ferrite Colloidal Superparticles for Luminescence- Imaging- and Hyperthermia Applications

Iatridi; Z; Vamvakidis; K; Tsougos; I; Vassiou; K; Dendrinou;Samara; C; Bokias; G Journal: ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Year: 2016 Volume: 8 Issue: 51 Pages: 35059-35070
Impact Factor: 7.145
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Multifunctional Polymeric Platform of Magnetic Ferrite Colloidal Superparticles for Luminescence- Imaging- and Hyperthermia Applications'
Copyright © 2016, American Chemical Society


Polymeric Quaternary Ammonium-Containing Coatings with Potential Dual Contact-Based and Release-Based Antimicrobial Activity

Druvari; D; Koromilas; ND; Lainioti; GC; Bokias; G; Vasilopoulos; G; Vantarakis; A; Baras; H; Dourala; N; Kallitsis; JK Journal: ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Year: 2016 Volume: 8 Issue: 51 Pages: 35593-35605
Impact Factor: 7.145
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Polymeric Quaternary Ammonium-Containing Coatings with Potential Dual Contact-Based and Release-Based Antimicrobial Activity'
Reprinted with permission from (ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8(51:35593-35605 (2016)). Copyright (2016) American Chemical Society


The Pt–Co alloying effect on the performance and stability of high temperature PEMFC cathodes

Shroti N., Daletou M.K. Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY Year: 2022 Volume: 47 Issue: 36 Pages: 16235-16248
Impact Factor: 7.139
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'The Pt–Co alloying effect on the performance and stability of high temperature PEMFC cathodes'
© 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



Determination of the elastic moduli of CVD graphene by probing graphene/polymer Bragg stacks

Liu, B; Pavlou, C; Wang, Z; Cang, Y; Galiotis, C Journal: 2D MATERIALS Year: 2021 Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Pages: art. no. 035040
Impact Factor: 7.103
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Determination of the elastic moduli of CVD graphene by probing graphene/polymer Bragg stacks'
CC BY 4.0


Biaxial strain engineering of CVD and exfoliated single- and bi-layer MoS2 crystals

Michail, A; Anestopoulos, D; Delikoukos, N; Parthenios, J; Grammatikopoulos, S; Tsirkas, SA; Lathiotakis, NN; Frank, O; Filintoglou, K; Papagelis, K Journal: 2D MATERIALS Year: 2021 Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Pages: art. no. 15023
Impact Factor: 7.103
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Biaxial strain engineering of CVD and exfoliated single- and bi-layer MoS2 crystals'
Original Image


Production and processing of graphene and related materials

Backes; C; Abdelkader; AM; Alonso; (...) Galiotis; C; (...) Parthenios; J; et all Journal: 2D MATERIALS Year: 2020 Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Pages: art. no.:22001
Impact Factor: 7.103
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Production and processing of graphene and related materials'
OA © 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd


Thermomechanical behaviour of hexagonal boron nitride at elevated temperatures

Androulidakis; C; Galiotis; C Journal: 2D MATERIALS Year: 2020 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Pages: art. no.: 45011
Impact Factor: 7.103
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Thermomechanical behaviour of hexagonal boron nitride at elevated temperatures'