Journal Publications

Found: 419 publications in scientific journals

Year: All

Research fields categories

When you hear the following letters, it means the information is related to a specific research field, as follows:

N is for Nanotechnology / Advanced materials
E is for Energy / Environment
B is for Biosciences / Biotechnology
A is for All research fields

Recent advancements in liposomes targeting strategies to cross blood-brain barrier (BBB) for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

Agrawal; M; Ajazuddin; Tripathi; DK; Saraf; S; Saraf; S; Antimisiaris; SG; Mourtas; S; Hammarlund;Udenaes; M; Alexander; A Journal: JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE Year: 2017 Volume: 260 Pages: 61-77
Impact Factor: 7.786
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Recent advancements in liposomes targeting strategies to cross blood-brain barrier (BBB) for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease'
Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


The effect of the degree of oxidation on broadband nonlinear absorption and ferromagnetic ordering in graphene oxide

Liaros; N; Tucek; J; Dimos; K; Bakandritsos; A; Andrikopoulos; KS; Gournis; D; Zboril; R; Couris; S Journal: NANOSCALE Year: 2016 Volume: 8 Issue: 5 Pages: 2908-2917
Impact Factor: 7.76
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'The effect of the degree of oxidation on broadband nonlinear absorption and ferromagnetic ordering in graphene oxide'
Reproduced from : Liaros N., Tucek J., Dimos K., Bakandritsos A., Andrikopoulos K.S., Gournis D., Zboril R., Couris S., "The effect of the degree of oxidation on broadband nonlinear absorption and ferromagnetic ordering in graphene oxide", Nanoscale, 8(5): 2908-2917 (2016), with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry


Affecting the H2O electrolysis process in SOECs through modification of NiO/GDC; experimental case of Au-Mo-Ni synergy

Neofytidis; C; Ioannidou; E; Sygellou; L; Kollia; M; Niakolas; DK Journal: JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS Year: 2019 Volume: 373 Pages: 260-275
Impact Factor: 7.723
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Affecting the H2O electrolysis process in SOECs through modification of NiO/GDC; experimental case of Au-Mo-Ni synergy'
Copyright © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.



Insights on bacteria inactivation in water by cold plasma: Effect of water matrix and pulsed plasmas waveform on physicochemical water properties, species formation and inactivation efficiency of Escherichia coli

Triantaphyllidou, I.-E. ; Aggelopoulos, C.A.; Journal: ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Year: 2025 Volume: 266 Pages: art. no. 120467
Impact Factor: 7.7
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Insights on bacteria inactivation in water by cold plasma: Effect of water matrix and pulsed plasmas waveform on physicochemical water properties, species formation and inactivation efficiency of Escherichia coli'
© 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies.


Self-healing and transparent ionic conductive PVA/pullulan/borax hydrogels with multi-sensing capabilities for wearable sensors

Qing, X.; Liu, Z.; Vananroye, A.; Franceschini, F.; Bouropoulos, N.; Katsaounis, A.; Taurino, I.; Fardim, P.; Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES Year: 2025 Volume: 284 Issue: Part 1 Pages: art. no. 137841
Impact Factor: 7.7
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Self-healing and transparent ionic conductive PVA/pullulan/borax hydrogels with multi-sensing capabilities for wearable sensors'
© 2024 Elsevier B.V. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies.


Investigating the efficiency of a two-stage anaerobic-aerobic process for the treatment of confectionery industry wastewaters with simultaneous production of biohydrogen and polyhydroxyalkanoates.

Kora, E.; Antonopoulou, G.; Zhang, Y.; Yan, Q.; Lyberatos, G.; Ntaikou, I. Journal: ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Year: 2024 Volume: 248 Pages: art. no. 118526
Impact Factor: 7.7
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Investigating the efficiency of a two-stage anaerobic-aerobic process for the treatment of confectionery industry wastewaters with simultaneous production of biohydrogen and polyhydroxyalkanoates.'
Created by the Authors


Plasma microbubbles vs gas-liquid DBD energized by low-frequency high voltage nanopulses for pollutants degradation in water: Destruction mechanisms, composition of plasma-activated water and energy assessment

Meropoulis, S.; Aggelopoulos, C.A. Journal: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Year: 2023 Volume: 11 Issue: 3 Pages: art. no. 109855
Impact Factor: 7.7
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Plasma microbubbles vs gas-liquid DBD energized by low-frequency high voltage nanopulses for pollutants degradation in water: Destruction mechanisms, composition of plasma-activated water and energy assessment'
© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Synthesis of intracellular polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) from mixed phenolic substrates in an acclimated consortium and the mechanisms of toxicity

Yang, M.; Zou, Y.; Wang, X.; Liu, X.; Wan, C.; Harder, M.; Yan, Q.; Nan, J.; Ntaikou, I.; Antonopoulou, G.; Lyberatos, G.; Zhang, Y. Journal: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Year: 2022 Volume: 10 Issue: 3 Pages: art. no. 107944
Impact Factor: 7.698
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Synthesis of intracellular polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) from mixed phenolic substrates in an acclimated consortium and the mechanisms of toxicity'
Authors Copyrights


High-Yield Production of a Rich-in-Hydroxytyrosol Extract from Olive (Olea europaea) Leaves

Papageorgiou, C.S.; Lyri, P.; Xintaropoulou, I.; Diamantopoulos, I.; Zagklis, D.P.; Paraskeva, C.A. Journal: ANTIOXIDANTS Year: 2022 Volume: 11 Pages: art. no. 1042
Impact Factor: 7.675
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'High-Yield Production of a Rich-in-Hydroxytyrosol Extract from Olive (Olea europaea) Leaves'


Low velocity impact response and post impact assessment of carbon fiber/ epoxy composites modified with Diels-Alderbased healing agent. A novel approach

Kostopoulos, V; Kotrotsos, A; Geitona, A; Tsantzalis, S Journal: COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING Year: 2021 Volume: 140 Pages: art. no. 106151
Impact Factor: 7.664
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Low velocity impact response and post impact assessment of carbon fiber/ epoxy composites modified with Diels-Alderbased healing agent. A novel approach'
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.