Past Events
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When you hear the following letters, it means the information is related to a specific research field, as follows:
N is for Nanotechnology / Advanced materials
E is for Energy / Environment
B is for Biosciences / Biotechnology
A is for All research fields
4th International Workshop on Degradation of Fuel Cells and Electrolysers, 5 May, 2021
Published: 05/05/2021
The 4th International Workshop on Degradation issues of Fuel Cells and...
In the context of the regular briefing of postgraduate and...
Colloidal gels as model systems to study shear induced tuning of thixotropic soft materials
Published: 05/04/2021
Speaker: George Petekidis IESL-FORTH and Department of Material Science and...
Application of Raman spectroscopy for the study of materials of technological interest
Published: 26/03/2021
Speaker: Dr. Konstantinos Andrikopoulos Department of Physics, University of Patras...
Aerogels of Biopolymers Crosslinked with Polyurea: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
Published: 02/03/2021
Title: Aerogels of Biopolymers Crosslinked with Polyurea: Synthesis, Characterization and...
In the context of the regular briefing of postgraduate and...
Volume imaging by means of X-ray microfocus Computed Tomography (μCT) at the University of Southampton: From materials engineering to clinical imaging
Published: 08/02/2021
Speaker: Dr. Orestis L. Katsamenis (MSc, PhD) Research Fellow, Engineering...
SEMINARS, Distinguished Lecture "Alkiviades Ch. Payatakes"
9th Distinguished Lecture “Alkiviades Ch. Payatakes”
Published: 14/12/2020
The 2020 "Alkiviades Ch. Payatakes" Distinguished Lecture was delivered by...
The MIT Enterprise Forum (MITEF) Greece 2021 Startup Competition was presented to...
Speaker: Dr. Rebecca Musgrave, Lecturer King's College London, UK Invited...
The selective hydrogenation of model hydrocarbons and biomass derived molecules over bimetallic catalysts and single crystal surfaces
Published: 04/06/2020
Speaker: George Kyriakou, Associate Professor Department of Chemical Engineering, University...
Virtual Workshop on Molecular Simulations of Atmospheric Systems (2-4 June, 2020) co-organized by C-STACC, FORTH/ICE-HT and funded by the ERC PyroTRACH project
Published: 02/06/2020
The Laboratory of Atmospheric Processes and their Impacts, ENAC, EPFL,...