News : Scientific News
Research fields categories
When you hear the following letters, it means the information is related to a specific research field, as follows:
N is for Nanotechnology / Advanced materials
E is for Energy / Environment
B is for Biosciences / Biotechnology
A is for All research fields
FORTH ICE-HT on Airborne Transmission of COVID-19
Published: 22/07/2020
Αn international team of 239 experts in the field of disease and aerosol transmission have signed a letter, which was published on July 6 2020...
Featured Article by Researchers of FORTH/ICE-HT
Published: 26/05/2020
Researchers of FORTH / ICE-HT published their research results as a featured article in the scientific journal Energy & Environmental Science. The title of the...
ERC featured FORTH/ICE-HT article
Published: 09/04/2020
The European Research Council recently featured a study at the high impact journal in atmospheric sciences, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, on the lidar remote sensing...
Precision Medicine
Published: 14/11/2019
The research paper proposing a novel device as a useful analytical tool for Precision Medicine of breast cancer by Dr. T. K. Christopoulos, Professor, Department...
Featured Article by Researchers of FORTH/ICE-HT
Published: 22/05/2019
Collaborating Faculty Members and researchers of FORTH / ICE-HT published their research results as a featured article in the Nanoscale. The title of the article...
8th Conference of MIKROBIOKOSMOS
Published: 21/04/2019
The 8th Annual Conference of the Hellenic Scientific Society MICROBIOKOSMOS, entitled "Microbial Communities as Growth Engines for Greece", was organized with great success on April...
Publication in a high-impact scientific journal by Researchers of FORTH/ICE-HT
Published: 19/04/2019
Researchers of FORTH / ICE-HT published in the high-impact scientific journal Nature Communications a study demonstrating that in-situ uniaxial tensile testing combined with Atomic Force...
Featured Article by Researchers of FORTH/ICE-HT
Published: 14/11/2018
Work related to the laser-assisted transformation of graphitic materials to graphene-like structures, by Dr. S. N. Yannopoulos and collaborators, was published as a featured article...
Patent application at USPTO
Published: 07/09/2018
Researchers from FORTH/ICE-HT (Dr. John Parthenios, Principal Application Scientist and Prof. Konstantinos Papagelis, Collaborating Faculty member) in collaboration with BIC Violex S. A. (subsidiary of...
Best Paper Award to Researchers of FORTH/ICE-HT
Published: 25/05/2018
The publishing firm Elsevier and the Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology awarded with the Best Paper Award 2017 the paper entitled: "3D printed...
FORTH/ICE-HT article being featured on the cover of a scientific journal
Published: 27/10/2017
The scientific journal "Materials" used as cover for the issue of August 2017 (Volume 10, Issue 8) artwork from the following publication by N. Bouropoulos,...
FORTH/ICE-HT scientific article was highlighted as HOT
Published: 25/07/2017
Dr. T. Ioannides, Research Director of FORTH/ICEHT, is co-author of the following article: González-Castaño M., Ivanova S., Ioannides T., Centeno M.A., Odriozola J.A., "Deep insight...