
Category: Scientific News, Distinctions

Precision Medicine

Precision Medicine

The research paper proposing a novel device as a useful analytical tool for Precision Medicine of breast cancer by Dr. T. K. Christopoulos, Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Patras & Collaborating Faculty Member of FORTH/ICE-HT and his collaborators was published as a “Paper in Forefront” in the scientific journal Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry with the title:

Paper-based device providing visual genetic signatures for precision medicine. Application to breast cancer“,
Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry, 411: 3769-3776 (2019)
by Galaziou A., Christopoulos T. K., and Ioannou P. C.

The definition of the “Paper in Forefront” by the publisher of the scientific journal is following one: “Paper in Forefront: Guided by the peer reviews, the Editors select a number of exceptional papers for very rapid publication as Papers in Forefront. These articles are given priority treatment, and they are printed prominently at the front of a journal issue.