Sustainable Access to Atmospheric Research Facilities (ATMO-ACCESS)
The Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences of the Foundation for Research & Technology – Hellas (FORTH/ICE-HT), located in Patras, Greece, is a partner in the recently funded H2020 project ATMO-ACCESS (101008004), with a total budget of 15 million Euros. The project will promote and support access to the atmospheric research infrastructure of the Center for the Study of Air Quality and Climate Change (C-STACC) in ICE-HT including its atmospheric simulation chamber and its mobile air quality measurement laboratory.
ATMO-ACCESS brings together 38 scientific institutions from 19 European countries. In this project, the entire scientific community as well as private sector actors will have the opportunity to access the main European research platforms, to participate in scientific experiments, to train in new measurement techniques, to test new sensors or to develop new applications based on data from the research infrastructures.
Principal Investigator for FORTH/ICE-HT is Prof. S. Pandis. The team of Prof. A. Nenes is also participating in the project
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