Journal Publications

Found: 419 publications in scientific journals

Year: All

Research fields categories

When you hear the following letters, it means the information is related to a specific research field, as follows:

N is for Nanotechnology / Advanced materials
E is for Energy / Environment
B is for Biosciences / Biotechnology
A is for All research fields

Addressing adverse synergies between chemical and biological pollutants at schools—The ‘SynAir-G’ hypothesis

Papadopoulos, N.G.; Akdis, C.; Akdis, M.; (…) Nenes, A.; Nikoletseas, A.; Pandis, S. et al Journal: ALLERGY Year: 2024 Volume: 79 Issue: 2 Pages: 294-301
Impact Factor: 12.6
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Addressing adverse synergies between chemical and biological pollutants at schools—The ‘SynAir-G’ hypothesis'


Acceleration of oxygen decline in the tropical Pacific over the past decades by aerosol pollutants

Ito; T; Nenes; A; Johnson; MS; Meskhidze; N; Deutsch; C Journal: NATURE GEOSCIENCE Year: 2016 Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Pages: 443-+
Impact Factor: 12.508
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Acceleration of oxygen decline in the tropical Pacific over the past decades by aerosol pollutants'
Copyright © 2016, Rights Managed by Nature Publishing Group


Patterned, organoid-based cartilaginous implants exhibit zone specific functionality forming osteochondral-like tissues in vivo

Hall, G.N., Tam, W.L., Andrikopoulos, K.S., Casas-Fraile, L., Voyiatzis, G.A., Geris, L., Luyten, F.P., Papantoniou, I. Journal: BIOMATERIALS Year: 2021 Volume: 273 Pages: art. no. 120820
Impact Factor: 12.479
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Patterned, organoid-based cartilaginous implants exhibit zone specific functionality forming osteochondral-like tissues in vivo'
© 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


Revising the hygroscopicity of inorganic sea salt particles

Zieger; P; Vaisanen; O; Corbin; JC; Partridge; DG; Bastelberger; S; Mousavi;Fard; M; Rosati; B; Gysel; M; Krieger; UK; Leck; C; Nenes; A; Riipinen; I; Virtanen; A; Salter; ME Journal: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS Year: 2017 Volume: 8 Pages: art. no.:15883
Impact Factor: 12.124
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Revising the hygroscopicity of inorganic sea salt particles'
CC BY Nature Publ. Group


Mutant KRAS promotes malignant pleural effusion formation

Agalioti; T; Giannou; AD; Krontira; AC; Kanellakis; NI; Kati; D; Vreka; M; Pepe; M; Spella; M; Lilis; I; Zazara; DE; Nikolouli; E; Spiropoulou; N; Papadakis; A; Papadia; K; Voulgaridis; A; Harokopos; V; Stamou; P; Meiners; S; Eickelberg; O; Snyder; LA; Antimisiaris; SG; Kardamakis; D; Psallidas; I; Marazioti; A; Stathopoulos; GT Journal: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS Year: 2017 Volume: 8 Pages: art. no.:15205
Impact Factor: 12.124
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Mutant KRAS promotes malignant pleural effusion formation'
Copyright © 2017, Rights Managed by Nature Publishing Group


Tunable macroscale structural superlubricity in two-layer graphene via strain engineering

Androulidakis; C; Koukaras; EN; Paterakis; G; Trakakis; G; Galiotis; C Journal: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS Year: 2020 Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Pages: art. no.: 1595
Impact Factor: 12.121
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Tunable macroscale structural superlubricity in two-layer graphene via strain engineering'


Solvent Molding of Organic Morphologies Made of Supramolecular Chiral Polymers

Dordevic; L; Marangoni; T; Miletic; T; Rubio;Magnieto; J; Mohanraj; J; Amenitsch; H; Pasini; D; Liaros; N; Couris; S; Armaroli; N; Surin; M; Bonifazi; D Journal: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Year: 2015 Volume: 137 Issue: 25 Pages: 8150-8160
Impact Factor: 12.113
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Solvent Molding of Organic Morphologies Made of Supramolecular Chiral Polymers'
Copyright (2015) American Chemical Society


Extracellular matrix-based cancer targeting

Karamanos, N.K., Piperigkou, Z., Passi, A., (...), Rousselle, P., Vlodavsky, I. Journal: TRENDS IN MOLECULAR MEDICINE Year: 2021 Volume: 27 Issue: 10 Pages: 1000-1013
Impact Factor: 11.951
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Extracellular matrix-based cancer targeting'
© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Mosaic pattern formation in exfoliated graphene by mechanical deformation

Pastore Carbone M.; Manikas; AC; Souli; I; Pavlou; C; Galiotis; C Journal: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS Year: 2019 Volume: 10 Pages: art. no.:1572
Impact Factor: 11.878
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Mosaic pattern formation in exfoliated graphene by mechanical deformation'
Copyright © 2019, Springer Nature Publishing AG


Signatures of Quantized Energy States in Solution-Processed Ultrathin Layers of Metal-Oxide Semiconductors and Their Devices

Labram; JG; Lin; YH; Zhao; K; Li; RP; Thomas; SR; Semple; J; Androulidaki; M; Sygellou; L; McLachlan; M; Stratakis; E; Amassian; A; Anthopoulos; TD Journal: ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS Year: 2015 Volume: 25 Issue: 11 Pages: 1727-1736
Impact Factor: 11.8
Graphical abstract of the publication entitled 'Signatures of Quantized Energy States in Solution-Processed Ultrathin Layers of Metal-Oxide Semiconductors and Their Devices'
a) Schematic representation of the solution-processed ZnO resonant tunnelingdiode (RTD) structure developed and the idealized energy band diagram under zero bias. The RTD consists of a central quantum well, formed of an ultrathin (∼2-3 nm) ZnO layer confined between two ultrathin (∼2 nm) Ga 2 O 3 barrier layers. The quantum well structure is enclosed between two bulk (25 nm-thick) ZnO layers on either side, which are in direct-contact with aluminum electrodes (labeled Al). b,c) Idealized representation of conduction band of solutionprocessed resonant tunneling-diode under two biasing conditions. The labels n n=1 and n=2 represent the discreet energy levels of the central ZnO semiconductor. The labels on the y -axis "CBM (Ga 2 O 3 )" and "CBM (ZnO)" represent the energies of the conduction band minima of the Ga 2 O 3 barrier layers and ZnO bulk layers, respectively