“Miltiades Karatzis” Award to Christina Vasilakopoulou

Dr. Christina Vasilakopoulou
Christina Vasilakopoulou, PhD candidate of the Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Patras and a research fellow of the Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences (ICEHT), was awarded this year’s “Miltiades Karatzis” prize by the Friends of FORTH (Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas). The award recognizes excellence in research by a young scientist.
Christina studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Patras. In 2019 she started her PhD at the Centre for the Study of Atmospheric Pollution and Climate Change (C-STACC) of FORTH/ICE-HT under the supervision of Professor Spyros Pandis. Its main research objective is the development and application of innovative methods for the quantification of the sources of organic particles in the atmosphere. Her work has highlighted the negative impact of forest fires on Europe’s air quality even thousands of kilometers away from the fires, as well as the production of secondary organic particles from biogenic sources (forests). She has published a number of articles in prestigious international high-impact journals and has presented her research findings at international scientific conferences in Europe and America. She has also participated in international air pollution measurement campaigns in Italy and France.
The award ceremony took place on 27 October at the Vikelaias Municipal Library of Heraklion and the event was dedicated to the memory of Grigoris Sifakis, who was the first President of the University of Crete’s Steering Committee.