Mercury Porosimetry System
Mercury porosimetry is the most popular and fastest method of pore structure analysis for a wide variety of porous materials. Information about pore sizes and shapes, pore space connectivity, spatial pore size correlation and pore-wall roughness is embedded into the mercury intrusion – retraction curves. The microstructural properties of porous materials determine their macroscopic transport coefficients (e.g. permeability, effective diffusivity, electrical conductivity, etc) and hence they are of key importance for various industrial applications (e.g. oil & gas recovery from reservoir rocks, contamination & remediation of soils and aquifers, filtration, catalytic reactions, etc).
Mercury porosimetry is the most popular and fastest method of pore structure analysis for a wide variety of porous materials. Information about pore sizes and shapes, pore space connectivity, spatial pore size correlation and pore-wall roughness is embedded into the mercury intrusion – retraction curves. The microstructural properties of porous materials determine their macroscopic transport coefficients (e.g. permeability, effective diffusivity, electrical conductivity, etc) and hence they are of key importance for various industrial applications (e.g. oil & gas recovery from reservoir rocks, contamination & remediation of soils and aquifers, filtration, catalytic reactions, etc).
Quantachrome Autosorb-1 unit with chemisorption and micropore analysis capabilities
– Pore size limit: ~0.35nm
– Specific area measurement range: <0.01 up to >3,000 m2/g
– Controlled through Quantachrome AUTOSORB Software
Sample Properties
There are six types of penetrometers differing with respect to the volume of sample holder (max sample volume): 3.2, 6.6, 18 cm3, and mercury intrusion capacity (~max measured pore volume): 0.5, 2.0 cm3. Typical sample dimensions: OD~1cm, L~3cm. Each penetrometer is suitable for consolidated and unconsolidated (powders, particles) porous materials.