Graphene as effective anti-fading agent for the protection of artworks
The research group of Prof. Costas Galiotis, collaborating faculty member of FORTH/ICE-HT, the University of Florence and the Patras Science Park collaborated in a joint research project with the acronym “GRAPHENART”, funded by ERC-PoC, in order to develop multi-functional graphene ‘veils’ and also paints that incorporate graphene, to provide protection to works of art against UV radiation, oxidation, moisture and many other corrosion agents. This technique is applicable to both old and modern works of art and, particularly, colour paintings. Details of this project have recently appeared in CORDIS, which is the main communication medium of the DG-Research of EU.
This research work has already been patented in Greece (HIPO 1009757), and, with the financial assistance of the Bodossaki Foundation, an international application (PCT) has also been filed and is currently under examination.