Celebrating 30 years of ICE-HT

The Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH/ICE-HT) celebrated on October 24, 2014 the 30th anniversary of its establishment. The event was attended by representatives of the State, the Vice-Chancellors of the University of Patras Prof. D. Polyzos (visiting faculty member of FORTH/ICE-HT), Prof. N. Karamanos (collaborating faculty member of FORTH/ICE-HT) and Prof. G. Angelopoulos, the President of the Department of Chemical Engineering (and one of first scholars of the Institute) Prof. D. Mataras, the Board of FORTH led by its President, Prof. K. Fotakis, as well as researchers, employees, partners and friends of the Institute from all over Greece.
The main speaker of the event was the first Director of ICE-HT and Distinguished Member of FORTH, Prof. Emeritus George Papatheodorou, who presented the history of the establishment and the development of the Institute.
Afterwards, the organizing committee of the event presented in a video entitled “30 years of the Institute… in pictures” selected activities and achievements of ICE-HT from 1984 until today.
Finally, the Director of FORTH/ICE-HT, Dr. V. Burganos, analyzed the current situation and presented the plans of research and development, as well as the perspectives of the Institute. He also referred to the historical ties with the University of Patras, to the contribution of the Institute to the training of young scientists and employment, but also to the general social contribution and the stable cooperation with the Region of Western Greece.