
Targeting Atmospheric Oxidants Can Better Reduce Sulfate Aerosol in China: H2O2 Aqueous Oxidation Pathway Dominates Sulfate Formation in Haze

Gao, J ; Shi, GL ; Zhang, ZC ; Wei, YT ( ; Tian, X ; Feng, YC ; Russell, AG; Nenes, A

Graphical abstract of the publication entitled  Targeting Atmospheric Oxidants Can Better Reduce Sulfate Aerosol in China: H2O2 Aqueous Oxidation Pathway Dominates Sulfate Formation in Haze
"Reprinted with permission from { Gao, J....Nenes, all “Targeting Atmospheric Oxidants .... in China”, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY}. Copyright {2022} ACS"
Journal: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Year: 2022 Volume: 56 Issue: 15 Pages: 10608–10618
Impact Factor: 11.357
Research Fields: