
Stress transfer at the nanoscale on graphene ribbons of regular geometry

Manikas; AC; Carbone; MGP; Woods; CR; Wang; Y; Souli; I; Anagnostopoulos; G; Hadjinicolaou; M; Novoselov; KS; Galiotis; C

Graphical abstract of the publication entitled  Stress transfer at the nanoscale on graphene ribbons of regular geometry
Reproduced from Ref. Manikas A.C., Pastore Carbone M.G., Woods C. R., Wang Y., Souli I., Anagnostopoulos G., Hadjinicolaou M., Novoselovc K.S., Galiotis C., "Stress transfer at the nanoscale on graphene ribbons of regular geometry", Nanoscale, 11(30):14354-14361 (2019). with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Journal: NANOSCALE Year: 2019 Volume: 11 Issue: 30 Pages: 14354-14361
Impact Factor: 6.97