
Silicon Nanosheets versus Graphene Nanosheets: A Comparison of Their Nonlinear Optical Response

Stavrou, M; Papadakis, I; Stathis, A; Kloberg, MJ, Mock, J; Kratky, T; Günther, S; Rieger, B; Becherer, M; Lyuleeva-Husemann, A; Couris, S

Graphical abstract of the publication entitled  Silicon Nanosheets versus Graphene Nanosheets: A Comparison of Their Nonlinear Optical Response
{JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 12(2): 815-821}. Copyright {2021} American Chemical Society."
Journal: THE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS Year: 2021 Volume: 12 Issue: 2 Pages: 815-821
Impact Factor: 6.475