
Crystalline Phase Effects on the Nonlinear Optical Response of MoS2and WS2Nanosheets: Implications for Photonic and Optoelectronic Applications

Stavrou M., Chazapis N., Nikoli E., Arenal R., Tagmatarchis N., Couris S.

Graphical abstract of the publication entitled  Crystalline Phase Effects on the Nonlinear Optical Response of MoS2and WS2Nanosheets: Implications for Photonic and Optoelectronic Applications
"Reprinted with permission from { Stavrou, M., .......Couris, S. “Crystalline Phase .... Optoelectronic Applications”, ACS APPLIED NANOMATERIALS}. Copyright {2022} American Chemical Society."
Journal: ACS APPLIED NANOMATERIALS Year: 2022 Volume: 5 Issue: 11 Pages: 16674–16686
Impact Factor: 6.14