
Cardiopulmonary Mortality and Fine Particulate Air Pollution by Species and Source in a National U.S. Cohort

Pond, Z.A., Hernandez, C.S., Adams, P.J., Pandis, S.N., Garcia, G.R., Robinson, A.L., Marshall, J.D., Burnett, R., Skyllakou, K., Garcia Rivera, P., Karnezi, E., Coleman, C.J., Pope, C.A.

Graphical abstract of the publication entitled  Cardiopulmonary Mortality and Fine Particulate Air Pollution by Species and Source in a National U.S. Cohort
"Reprinted with permission from {ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, In press, doi:}. Copyright {2021} American Chemical Society.
Journal: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Year: 2022 Volume: 56 Issue: 11 Pages: 7214–7223
Impact Factor: 11.357