2007: PhD in the “Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program on Polymer Science and Technology”, Departments of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Physics – University of Patras, Greece
2004: MSc in the “Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program on Polymer Science and Technology”, Departments of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Physics – University of Patras, Greece
2002: B.S. Chemistry, Univ. of Patras, Greece
- Development of nanostructured electrocatalysts for energy related applications like Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells, PEM Electrolysers and Lithium ion batteries.
- Chemical functionalization of carbon nanotubes.
- Development of polymeric and hybrid materials of various architectures and functionalities.
- Liquid Electrochemistry (RRDE), study of the activity towards oxygen reduction and understanding structure-property-activity relations.
- Solid state electrochemistry with emphasis in the field of fuel cells; understanding of operation and degradation phenomena.
- Design and construction of PEM fuel cell stacks.
10/2017 – 09/2021: Assistant Researcher, ICE/HT-FORTH, Greece
01/2010-09/2017: Post-Doctoral Fellow, ICE/HT-FORTH, Greece
07/2009-12/2009: Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Patras, Greece
07/2008-06/2009: Post-Doctoral Fellow, ICE/HT-FORTH, Greece
07/2007-06/2008: Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Northeastern University, Boston MA, USA
- Award from State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) for successful admission with the highest records in the Department of Chemistry, Patras (1997).
- Award from State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) for the highest records in the courses of the post graduate studies (9/2002-1/2003), (2/2003-6/2003) and (9/2003-1/2004).
- ScienceDirect Top-25 hottest articles recognition in Chemical Engineering in 2005.
- 2002-2021: Participation in 13 research projects funded by EU and National bodies
- Principal Investigator in 1 EU (FCH JU) and 3 National (RIS3 and ESF) research projects
- Coordinator in 1 EU (FCH JU) and 1 National (NSRF 2014 – 2020) research projects
- 32 refereed journal papers
- 6 patent applications
- 2 chapters in books
- More than 65 presentations in international and national conferences
- 5 Invited Oral Presentations
Organization of 1 Summer School and 2 International Workshops.
Association of Greek Chemists
Hellenic Polymer Society
Association of Greek Researchers
International Society of Electrochemistry, Hydrogen Europe
2019-Today: Lectures related to Materials for Energy Applications in the Postgraduate Course: Chemistry and Materials’ Technology with Applications in Industry, Energy and the Environment, Department of Chemistry, University of Patras
- Study of the role of void and residual silicon dioxide on the electrochemical performance of silicon nanoparticles encapsulated by graphene. D.-P. Argyropoulos, G. Zardalidis, P. Giotakos, M. Daletou, F. Farmakis, Nanomaterials (2022).
- Correlations between properties and activity of platinum supported on modified carbon nanotubes with pyridines, E. Zagoraiou, F. Paloukis, M.K. Daletou, Applied Surface Science 567 (2021) 150749.
- The role of surface chemistry of modified MWCNT on the development and characteristics of Pt supported catalysts, E. Zagoraiou, F. Paloukis, M.K. Daletou, Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects 24 (2020) 100566.
- The electrochemical interface of the cathode in high temperature PEM fuel cells, E. Zagoraiou, F. Paloukis, S.G. Neophytides, M.K. Daletou, Electrochimica Acta 356 (2020) 136778.
- Development of Pt-Co catalysts supported on carbon nanotubes using the polyol method_tuning the conditions for optimum properties, E. Zagoraiou, N. Shroti, M.K. Daletou, Materials Today Chemistry 16 (2020) 100263.
- Highly dispersed platinum supported catalysts – Effect of properties on the electrocatalytic activity, E. Zagoraiou, M.K. Daletou, L. Sygellou, S. Ballomenou, S.G. Neophytides, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 259 (2019) 118050.
- Mitigation strategy towards stabilizing the Electrochemical Interface under high CO and H2O containing reformate gas feed, A. Orfanidi, M.K. Daletou, S.G. Neophytides, Electrochimica Acta 233 (2017) 218-228.
- Influence of methanol on the chemical state of PtRu anodes in a HT DMFC studied by in-situ synchrotron-based NAP-XPS, V.A. Saveleva, M.K. Daletou, E.R. Savinova, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (2017) 014001 (10pp).
- Synergistic effect of Yttrium and pyridine-functionalized carbon nanotube on platinum nanoparticles towards the oxygen reduction reaction in acid medium, Y. Luo, N. Shroti, M.K. Daletou, L.A. Estudillo-Wong, N. Alonso-Vante, Journal of Catalysis 344 (2016) 712-721.
- Life cycle assessment of PEM FC applications: electric mobility and ?-CHP, D. Notter, K. Kouravelou, T. Karachalios, M.K. Daletou, N.T. Haberland, Energy & Environmental Science 8 (2015) 1969-1985.