Dept. of Chemistry
University of Patras, Greece
1984: PhD in Chemistry, Univ. of Patras, Greece
1979: Diploma in Chemistry, Univ. of Patras, Greece
- Development of polymeric membranes for energy related application like Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells and Li Ion Batteries.
- Development of new polymeric and hybrid optoelectronic materials for organic photovoltaics.
- Preparation of biocidal block copolymers with biocidal or antifouling properties.
- Modification of carbon nanotubes with the semiconducting polymers.
- Development of light emitting polymers with controllable light emission
2001-present: Professor, Dept of Chemistry, University of Patras
1996-2001: Associate Professor, Dept of Chemistry, University of Patras
1990-1996: Assistant Professor, Dept of Chemistry, University of Patras
1/1990-9/1990 Research Fellow, Plastics Research Laboratory B.A.S.F., Ludwigshafen, Germany
1/1989-1/1990 Research Fellow, Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany
1986-1989 Lecturer, Dept of Chemistry, University of Patras
Visiting Professor
9/1995-2/1996: Department of Chemistry, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
11/2006-12/2006: Department of Pharmacy, University of Trieste, Italy
02/2010: Department of Pharmacy, University of Trieste, Italy
Invited Professor
9/1999-12/1999: Department of Chemistry, Free University of Berlin, Germany
1/2006-2/2006: Ecole Europeene Chimie Polymeres Materiaux (E.C.P.M.), Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France
10/2008-11/2008: Department of Materials, Polymer Institute, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ΕΤΗ), Zurich
09/2010: Ecole Superieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles (ESPCI-ParisTech), France
09/2012: Ecole Superieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles, TOTAL-ESPCI Chair, (ESPCI-ParisTech), Paris, France
11/2013: Ecole Superieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles, (ESPCI-ParisTech), Paris, France
9/2016: Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymeres Organiques (LCPO), University of Bordeaux
- “Advanced Solid Polymer Fuel Cells for Operation at Temperatures up to 200°C” – JOULE III, JOE3CT970045, (1998-2001)
- “Specialty Antimicrobial Polymeric Materials”, GROWTH, CEU, G5RD-CT-2001-00568, (2001-2004)
- “Advanced PEM Fuel Cells” – Apollon-Energy, ENK5-CT-2001-00572, (2002-2005)
- “Membrane Cell Hydrogen Generator and electrocatalysis for water splitting”-INCO – CEU
- “Development of Flexible Photovoltaic Cells” Konarka Technologies, Lowell MA, USA, (2002-2004)
- “Development of Flexible Photovoltaics”, General Secretariat for Research and Technology (2003-2006)
- “PEM Fuel Cell Electricity Generator Operating on Methanol”, General Secretariat for Research and Technology (2003-2006)
- “Synthesis and Characterization of Polymeric Membranes for PEMFC”, PYTHAGORAS I Ministry of Education (2004-2006)
- “Design and Synthesis of Antifouling Paints with controlled release, PENED, General Secretariat of Research and Technology (2005-2008)
- “Organic Solar Cells”, PENED, General Secretariat of Research and Technology (2005-2008)
- Coordination Action of Research on Intermediate and high temperature Specialised Membrane electrode Assemblies”-CARISMA 39041 (2007-2008)
- “Polymer Electrolytes and Non Noble Metal Electrocatalysts for High Temperaure PEM Fuel Cells” -APOLLON B, NMP3-CT2006-033228, (2006-2009)
- “Understanding the Degradation Mechanisms of Membrane-Electrode-Assembly for High Temperature PEMFCs and Optimization of the Individual Components”. DEMMEA, JTI-FCH-JU-2008-1, (2009-2012)
- “Development of an Internal Reforming Alcohol High Temperature PEM Fuel Cell Stack”, IRAFC, JTI-FCH-JU-2008-1, (2009-2012)
- “Development of the next generation membrane bioreactor system”, BIONEXGEN, FP7-NMP-2009 246039-2, (2010-2014)
- “Development of nanostuctured organic and inorganic materials and thin films for molecular electronics”, 09SYN-42-722, GSRT (2010-2013)
- “Development of Nanomaterials for Li Batteries”, 09SYN-42-420, GSRT (2010-2013)
- “Development of non-woven multifunctional textiles”, 09ΣΥΝ-82-1156 GSRT (2010-2013)
- “Modification of Carbon Nanotubes with semiconducting or ionically conducting polymers and their application in energy related technologies” IRAKLEITOS 12-94 (2010-2013)
- “Innovative Materials for Nanocrystalline Dye Sensitised Solar Cells”, GSRT THALIS (2012-2015).
- “Design and Development of Novel Functional Copolymers with a Block Architecture- Self-organization Abilities and Controlled Binding/Release of Biocidal Species” (MIS 377756), GSRT THALIS 12/44/5 (2012-2015).
- “Design and Development of New Electron Acceptor Polymeric and Hybrid Materials and their Application in Organic Photovoltaics” GSRT “EXCELLENCE” 2780 (2012-2014).
- “Greek Sustainable Lighting” 11SYN -5-573 GR-LIGHT – GSRT “SYNERGASIA”, (2012-2015).
- “Extended Shelf-Life Biopolymers for Sustainable and Multifunctional Food Packaging Solutions” NANOBARRIER 280759-2 FP7-NMP-2011-LARGE-5, (2012-2015).
- “Development of a Portable Internal Reforming Methanol High Temperature PEM Fuel Cell System” IRMFC 325358 – FCH-JU-2012-1, (2013-2016).
- “Understanding the Degradation Mechanisms of a High Temperature PEMFC Stack and Optimization of the Individual Components” DEMSTACK 325368 – FCH-JU-2012-1, (2013-2016).
- “Flame-retardant coatings based on nano-magnesium hydroxide, huntite and hydromagnesite for wood applications” WOOD-FLARETCOAT 315423 – FP7-SME-2013, (2014-2016).
- Development of Smart Machines, Tools and Processes for the Precision Synthesis of Nanomaterials with Tailored Properties for Organic Electronics” SMARTONICS – 310229 – FP7-NMP-2012.1.4-1 (2013-2017).
- “Lightweight, flexible and smart protective clothing for law enforcement personnel” SMARTPRO 607295 – FP7-SEC-2013-1, (2014-2016).
- «Development of novel materials with improved thermal insulation properties for food packaging applications » ThermPack MIS 5010801, Prefecture of East Macedonia-Thrace 2014 – 2020 (ESPA 2014-2020)
- «Development of efficient low cost PV glasses» Brite DE1ΜP0006 Prefecture of Western Greece 2014-2020 (ESPA 2014-2020)
- «Collagen-Based Composites Obtained by Pelt Waste Processing for Smart Biofertilizers» AgroSmartgel-ΔΕ3ΔΕ-0149, ESPA 2014-2020-Prefecture of Western Greece 2014 – 2020 (2018-2019) (INCOMERA)
- «Printed OLEDS for intelligent, efficient and tunable solid state lighting devices in large scale» APOLLON Τ1ΕΔΚ-01039 Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (EPAnEK) (ESPA 2014-2020).
- «Development of Surface Coating Processes in Cotton Yarns / Fabrics for Single Stage Dyeing with Reduced Environmental Impact» CHROMASURF Τ1ΕΔΚ-03073 Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (EPAnEK) (ESPA 2014-2020).
- «Development of Organic Biocidal Coatings for Aquaculture Nets» BIONET MIS: 5010930 European Union and Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food in the frame of Operational Program ”FISHERIES 2014-2020”.
- «Development of nano carbon embedded breathable polyolefin films for industrial /construction roofing membranes» ROOF-BREATH Τ6ΥΒΠ-00337 Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (EPAnEK) ESPA 2014-2020.
- «Synthesis of waterborne polyurethane dispersions with encapsulation of micro/nano structures for ecological self-healing coatings» SELFNANOPUD Τ2ΕΔΚ-00307 Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (EPAnEK) ESPA 2014-2020.
- «Industrial development of lightweight protection body armor for military and civil-commercial applications» THORAX-D Τ6ΥΒΠ-00014 Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (EPAnEK) ESPA 2014-2020.
- «H2020 Materials For Next Generation Alkaline Electrolyzer-NEXTAEC»GA 862509«EU Programmes 2014-2020, HORIZON 2020, Research And Innovation»H2020-NMBP-ST-IND-2018-2020/H2020-NMBP-ST-IND-2019 (2020-2024).
214 refereed journal papers
Greek: 5, German: 3, US: 6, EU: 2
Presentation in 110 international and 115 national conferences
Vice Chairman, Research Committee University of Patras (2007-2010)
National Representative in IUPAC Polymer Division (2005-2009)
Member of the Editorial Board of Journal Macromolecular Science, Pure & Applied Chemistry (2000-2010)
Member of European Polymer Federation
Chairman of Hellenic Polymer Society (ELEP) (2006-2012)
Member of the Patras University Council (2013-2016)
- “Structure-Property Relations in Polymers” (Dept. of Chem., Univ. of Patras, Greece)
- “Physical Processes of Chemical Technology” (Dept. of Chem., Univ. of Patras, Greece)
- “Structure-Property Relations in Macromolecules” (Graduate Program, Univ. of Patras, Greece)
- “Characterization of Polymeric and Hybrid Materials” (Graduate Program, Univ. of Patras, Greece)
Chapter in collective volumes:
- Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, “Interfacial phenomena in Electrocatalysis”, Volume 50 Spring 2011.
- Polymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference, “Rigid-Flexible and Rod-Coil Copolymers” Vol 6, pp. 725-773. Amsterdam: Elsevier BV 2012.
- Semiconducting Polymers: Chemistry, Physics and Engineering, “Processable Semiconducting Polymers Containing Oligoconjugated Blocks” Chapter 2, Volume 1, 2nd Edition.Wiley-VCH, 2006.
- Handbook on Flexible Organic Electronics: Materials, Manufacturing And Applications, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Uk; Edited By: Stergios Logothetidis, ISBN 9781782420354, 2015.
- High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells – Approaches, Status and Perspective, eds. Q. Li, D Aili, H. A. Hjuler and J. O. Jensen, ISBN 978-3-319-17081-7; Springer (2015)
- D. Druvari, N. D. Koromilas, V. Bekiari, G. Bokias, J.K. Kallitsis “Polymeric antimicrobial coatings based on quaternary ammonium compounds” Coatings 8(1), 8 (2018).
- S. Aivali, L. Tsimpouki, Ch. Anastasopoulos, J. K Kallitsis “Synthesis and Optoelectronic Characterization of Perylene Diimide-Quinoline Based Small Molecules” Molecules 24 (23), 4406 (2019).
- C. Charalampopoulos, K.J. Kallitsis, C. Anastasopoulos, M.K. Daletou, S.G. Neophytides, A.K. Andreopoulou, J.K. Kallitsis a “Crosslinked polymer electrolytes of high pyridine contents for HT-PEM fuel cells” Internation Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (60), 35053-35063 (2020).
- S. Aivali, Ch. Anastasopoulos, A. K. Andreopoulou, A. Pipertzis, G. Floudas, J.K. Kallitsis A “Rigid?Flexible” Approach for Processable Perylene Diimide-Based Polymers: Influence of the Specific Architecture on the Morphological, Dielectric, Optical, and Electronic Properties, J. Phys. Chem. B 124, 5079?5090 (2020).
- A. Ioannidi, D. Vroulias, J. Kallitsis, T. Ioannides, V. Deimede “Synthesis and characterization of poly(ethylene oxide) based copolymer membranes for efficient gas/vapor separation: Effect of PEO content and chain length” Journal of Membrane Science 632, 119353 (2021).
- D. Tselekidou, K. Papadopoulos, V. Kyriazopoulos, K.C. Andrikopoulos, A.K. Andreopoulou, J.K. Kallitsis, A. Laskarakis, S. Logothetidis , M. Gioti , “Photophysical and Electro-Optical Properties of Copolymers Bearing Blue and Red Chromophores for Single-Layer White OLEDs” Nanomaterials 11, 2629 (2021).
- A. Ioannidi, C. Anastasopoulos, D. Vroulias, J. Kallitsis, T. Ioannides, V. Deimede “Synthesis and properties of Polymeric ionic liquids (PILs) bearing hydrophilic PEO groups: Evaluation of gas and water vapor separation performance” Separation and Purification Technology 280, 119790 (2022).
Chapter in collective volumes:
- Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, “Interfacial phenomena in Electrocatalysis”, Volume 50 Spring 2011.
- Polymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference, “Rigid-Flexible and Rod-Coil Copolymers” Vol 6, pp. 725-773. Amsterdam: Elsevier BV 2012.
- Semiconducting Polymers: Chemistry, Physics and Engineering, “Processable Semiconducting Polymers Containing Oligoconjugated Blocks” Chapter 2, Volume 1, 2nd Edition.Wiley-VCH, 2006.
- Handbook on Flexible Organic Electronics: Materials, Manufacturing And Applications, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Uk; Edited By: Stergios Logothetidis, ISBN 9781782420354, 2015.
- High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells – Approaches, Status and Perspective, eds. Q. Li, D Aili, H. A. Hjuler and J. O. Jensen, ISBN 978-3-319-17081-7; Springer (2015)
- Organic Light-emitting Diodes Based on Solution-Processable Organic Materials (Chapter 8) Aikaterini K. Andreopoulou, Maria Gioti and Joannis K. Kallitsis in Solution-Processable Components for Organic Electronic Devices, First Edition. Edited by Beata Luszczynska, Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, and Jacek Ulanski. © 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Published 2019 by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.