Research Funded Project
Development and pilot scale demonstration of an innovative, effective and eco-friendly process for the production of clean hydrogen and electrical power generation from biogas (Eco-Bio-H2-FCs)
Funding Organization: National / ESPA
Contract no.: 5074538
Partners: HELBIO SA, INTERGEO Environmental Technology ltd, FORTH / ICE-HT, TECHNICAL Univ. of Crete, School of Environmental Engineering, CERTH, Univ. of Patras, Dep. of Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Ioannina, Dep. of Materials Science & Engineering
Duration: From: 2020 - to: 2023
Total Budget: 1.000.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget: 145.000 EURO
Researchers: Neophytides S. (PI)
Type: national
Contract no.: 5074538
Partners: HELBIO SA, INTERGEO Environmental Technology ltd, FORTH / ICE-HT, TECHNICAL Univ. of Crete, School of Environmental Engineering, CERTH, Univ. of Patras, Dep. of Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Ioannina, Dep. of Materials Science & Engineering
Duration: From: 2020 - to: 2023
Total Budget: 1.000.000 EURO
ICE-HT Budget: 145.000 EURO
Researchers: Neophytides S. (PI)
Type: national