Research Funded Project

Development and application of standardized methology for the PROspective SUsaInability assssment of Technologies

Funding Organization: CEU
Contract no.: 227078
Partners: Utrecht University; Department of Science; Technology and Society / Copernicus Institute; Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Technical University of Denmark; Dialogik; Ecological Economics and Management Centre - Foundation of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology; New University of Lisbon; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich; Institut Symlog; Finnish Environment Institute; Gent University; International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis; Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Sociology (Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia; Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; Pre Consultancy; GreenDeltaTC; Solvay; OWS; Nokia; HeiQ Materials AG; Paul Scherrer Institute; Sony Ericsson; DSM; Radboud University Nijmegen
Duration: From: 2009 - to: 2013
Total Budget: 6.327.048 EURO
ICE-HT Budget: 21.942 EURO
Researchers: C. Galiotis (PI)
Type: international