Ημερομηνία: 01-01-2010, 00:00
Τοποθεσία: FORTH/ICE-HT Seminar Room
Σεμινάρια 2010
View the complete list of seminars during 2010
Speaker: | Spyros Perlepes, Professor |
Affiliation: | Department of Chemistry, University of Patras |
Theme: | Πολυπυρηνικά Μεταλλικά Σύμπλοκα (Πλειάδες) ως Μονομοριακοί Μαγνήτες. Polynuclear Metal Complexes (Clusters) as Single-Molecule Magnets. |
Date: | Wednesday, December 8th 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Panagiotis Lianos, Professor |
Affiliation: | Engineering Science Department, University of Patras |
Theme: | Φωτοκαταλυτική παραγωγή υδρογόνου και ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας από βιομάζα και απόβλητα. Photocatalytic production of hydrogen and electricity from biomass and water wastes. |
Date: | Wednesday, November 24th 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Ioannis Kalamaras, PhD Candidate |
Advisor: | Dr. Vasilis Gregoriou |
Theme: | Σύνθεση και χαρακτηρισμός σουλφονομένων αρωματικών πολυαιθέρων για χρήση σε κελία καύσιμου υψηλών θερμοκρασιών. Sulfonated aromatic polyethers containing pyridine units as membranes for high temperature PEM fuel. |
Date: | Wednesday, November 17th, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Mario Leclerc, Canada Research Chair on Electroactive and Photoactive Polymers |
Affiliation: | Universite Laval, Department of Chemistry, Canada |
Theme: | Plastic Solar Cells |
Date: | Thursday, November 4th, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Dr. Maria Kafesaki, Principal Researcher |
Affiliation: | Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser Foundation for Research and Technology, Hellas |
Theme: | Αριστερόστροφα μεταϋλικά: Νέες δυνατότητες στην οπτική. Left-handed metamaterials: New possibilities in optics |
Date: | Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Georgios Tsilomelekis, PhD Candidate |
Advisor: | Professor Soghomon Boghosian |
Theme: | Μελέτη μοριακής δομής υποστηριγμένων μολυβδενικών καταλυτών σε φορείς Al2O3, ZrO2 και TiO2 με χρήση φασματοσκοπιών Raman και IR σε συνδυασμό με ισοτοπική εναλλαγή με 18Ο2. In situ Raman and FTIR spectroscopy of molybdenum(VI) oxide supported on titania, alumina and zirconia combined with 18Ο/16Ο exchange: molecular structure, vibrational properties and vibrational isotope effects. |
Date: | Wednesday, October 13th, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Michalis Pikridas , PhD Candidate |
Advisor: | Professor Spyros Pandis |
Theme: | Σωματιδιακή Ρύπανση στη περιοχή της Πάτρας Particulate pollution at Patras |
Date: | Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Dr. Despoina Tzoulaki, Postdoctoral Fellow |
Affiliation: | Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Munich, Germany |
Theme: | Diffusion Studies on Microporous Materials by Interference Microscopy |
Date: | Tuesday, September 21st, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Panagiotis Macheras Professor of Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics |
Affiliation: | School of Pharmacy, University of Athens |
Theme: | Μαθηματική μοντελοποίηση της ετερογένειας των φαρμακευτικών διαδικασιών σε in vitro και in vivo συνθήκες. Modeling the heterogeneity of pharmaceutical processes under in vitro and in vivo conditions. |
Date: | Thursday, September 16th, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Carmen Mijangos, Research Professor |
Affiliation: | Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnologia de Polimeros, CSIC, SPAIN |
Theme: | One dimensional polymer nanostructures. From confinement to potential applications |
Date: | Wednesday, September 15th, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Theodore Baimpos, PhD Candidate |
Advisor: | Dr. Vladimiros Nikolakis |
Theme: | Υμένια ζεολίθων σε μαγνητοελαστικά ελάσματα: Σύνθεση, χαρακτηρισμός και εφαρμογές Zeolite films in magnetoelastic materials: Synthesis, characterization and applications |
Date: | Wednesday, July 28th, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Dr. George Chryssikos, Research Director |
Affiliation: | Theoretical & Physical Chemistry Institute National Hellenic Reseach Foundation |
Theme: | Παλυγορσκίτης ή το Η2Ο ως γεωχημικός δείκτης Palygorskite or, H2O as a geochemical proxy |
Date: | Wednesday, July 14th, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Dr. Antonios Kanaras |
Affiliation: | School of Physics and Astronomy University of Southampton |
Theme: | Colloidal Nanoparticles for Applications in Physical and Biomedical Sciences |
Date: | Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Αναλυτικές Συσκευές ΑΕ |
Theme: | Μικροσκοπία Ατομικής Δύναμης (AFM) Επίδειξη νέου Μικροσκοπίου AFM Multimode 8 |
Date: | Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 09:30 |
Speaker: | Dr. Evagelos Karavas, Vice President – Research & Industrial Operations Dr. Theoharis Koftis, Organic Synthesis Manager |
Affiliation: | Pharmathen S.A. |
Theme: | Ερευνητικές δραστηριότητες της Pharmathen στον τομέα του φαρμάκου και δυνατότητες συνεργασίας. Research activities of Pharmathen in pharmaceuticals and collaboration prospects. |
Date: | Wednesday, June 16th, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Christos Reppas, Professor of Biopharmaceutics |
Affiliation: | School of Pharmacy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens |
Theme: | Το περιβάλλον στον αυλό του γαστρεντερικού σωλήνα και η σημασία του στην απορρόφηση των φαρμάκων μετά από per os χορήγηση στερεών φαρμακοτεχνικών μορφών. The lumenal environment and its impact on drug absorption after oral administration of solid dosage forms. |
Date: | Friday, June 11th, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Dr. Athanasios Papathanasiou, Lecturer P.D. 407 |
Affiliation: | School of Chemical Engineering National Technical University of Athens |
Theme: | Σχεδιασμός επιφανειών με πλήρως ελεγχόμενη διαβρεκτικότητα Surfaces with addressable wettability |
Date: | Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Argyris Nochos, PhD Candidate |
Advisor: | Prof. George Voyiatzis |
Theme: | Μελέτη της ενσωμάτωσης δραστικών ουσιών σε πολυμερικές ίνες βιοϊατρικών εφαρμογών με χαρακτηριστικά ελεγχόμενης αποδέσμευσης. Incorporation of active agents in polymeric fibers of biomedical applications bearing controlled release characteristics. |
Date: | Wednesday, May 26th, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Dr. John Parthenios |
Affiliation: | FORTH/ICE-HT Associate (Application) Scientist |
Theme: | Θερμομηχανική ανάλυση υλικών: διατάξεις, συσκευές & αρχές λειτουργίας Thermal Analysis at FORTH/ICE-HT: Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), principles of operation and examples |
Date: | Wednesday, April 21st, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Dr. Neil L. Allan |
Affiliation: | Director, Centre for Computational Chemistry Physical and Theoretical Chemistry School of Chemistry Bristol, UK |
Date: | Wednesday, April 14th, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Nikos Karamanos, Professor of Biochemistry |
Affiliation: | Department of Chemistry, University of Patras |
Theme: | Μοριακή στόχευση της διήθησης και μετάστασης στους συμπαγείς όγκους με μοντέρνους φαρμακευτικούς αναστολείς. Modern Pharmaceutical Inhibitors Targeting Invasion and Metastasis in Solid Tumors. |
Date: | Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Dr. Vassilis Drakopoulos |
Affiliation: | FORTH/ICE-HT Principal Scientist |
Theme: | Αρχές, λειτουργία και εφαρμογές XRD X-ray diffraction: principles and practice |
Date: | Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Speaker: | Dr. John Parthenios |
Affiliation: | FORTH/ICE-HT Associate (Application) Scientist |
Theme: | |
Date: | Wednesday, January 20th, 2010 |
Place: | FORTH/ICE-HT auditorium |
Time: | 12:00 |
Πληροφορίες για την τοποθεσία
FORTH/ICE-HT Seminar Room
Stadiou Str., Platani, GR-26504, Patras, Hellas
Οδός Σταδίου, Πλατάνι
Έναρξη: 01-01-2010, 00:00