Ημερομηνία: 13-09-2021, 06:00

Workshop on Molecular Characterisation of Interfaces in Atmospheric Aerosol (13 September, 2021)


EPFL, C-STACC, Universite de Lille and University of Gothenburg, together with the European and Japanese Molecular Liquids Group are organizing a workshop on Molecular Characterization of Interfaces in Atmospheric Aerosol, which is a second edition of last year’s highly successful meeting. Sponsors of the workshop are the European Research Council and the Swiss National Science Foundation.

This year’s workshop will also be virtual, and take place over Zoom on the 13th of September 2021. There will be showcased experimental and theoretical studies of the following topics:

  • heterogeneous ice and droplet nucleation,
  • gas/particle interactions at a molecular scale,
  • surface properties of aerosol particles.

There is an exciting list of invited speakers from the fields of experiments, theory and molecular simulations. Abstract submission for live oral contributions from participants is open. Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Deadline for registration is 10 July.

For further information please visit: .

The Organizers

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