Δάσιος Γεώργιος

Δάσιος Γεώργιος profile photo

Δάσιος Γεώργιος

Ομότιμος Καθηγητής

Τμήμα Χημικών Μηχανικών

Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών

Ερευνητικά Πεδία

Τηλ: +30 2610 969 580, 969 579, 969 581



Ερευνητικού Έργου, Επιστημόνων κ.α.



1980: Habilitation in Partial Differential Equations,  National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
1975: PhD in Applied Mathematics, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
1972: MSc in Mathematics, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
1970: Diploma in Mathematics, University of Athens, Greece


Mathematical methods in science and technology. Mathematical problems in Medicine and medical imaging. Electroencephalography. Magnetoencephalography. Modelling in Tumour growth. Wave propagation and scattering theory in acoustics, electromagnetic, elasticity, magneto- elasticity, thermo-elasticity and coupled fields. Stokes flow in spheroidal geometry and representation theory. Boundary-value problems in ellipsoidal geometry. Energy partition in wave propagation. Asymptotic and spectral methods in partial differential equations.


1989-today: Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, Greece
1981-1989: Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Patras, Greece
1980-1981: Habiliter, Department of Mathematics, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
1977-1980: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
1975-1977: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of Patras, Greece
2005-2008: Marie Curie Chair of Excellence Professorship, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
1998-2004: Academic Coordinator for Mathematics for the Hellenic Open University
1980-2000 : Professor, Extended Educational Program For High School Teachers, Greek Ministry of Education, Greece
1986-1987: Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
1980-1981: Lecturer, University of Maryland, University College, Athens, Greece
1979-1980: Professor, National Office of Meteorology, Greece
1978-1979: Visiting Assistant Professor, Brown University, USA
1977-1978: Lecturer, City College of Chicago, Athens Division, Greece


Main coordinator/ partner in over 30 national and international research programmes such as ACTION, ERASMUS, SCIENCE, MARIE CURIE, COPERNICUS, AGARD, NATO, EPET-II, German-Greek and French-Greek bilateral cooperation schemes.


161 refereed journal papers. 97 papers in international conference proceedings. 16 text books. One Research monograph on Low-Frequency Theory (Oxford Publication Press). One research monograph on Ellipsoidal Harmonics (Cambridge University Press). Over 60 publications concerning Lectures, Articles, Non-Original Publications and Announcements in local meetings.


Participation in over than 120 international and national conferences.


Taught all undergraduate curriculum mathematical courses in Greece, in United Kingdom, and in USA.
Taught graduate courses and seminars in all areas of Applied Mathematics from 1976 continuously.
During the years 2005-2008, that he had a Marie Curie Chair of Excellence Appointment in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics of the University of Cambridge, he taught graduate courses on Boundary Value problems in Ellipsoidal Geometry with Applications in Electroencephalography and Magnetoencephalography.


PhD Students:

21 Students have received their PhD under his supervision.



  • “Axisymmetric Stokes’ Flow in a Spherical Shell Revisited via the Fokas Method. Part I: Irrotational Flow”
    (with M.Doschoris)
    Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 34, pp.850-868
  • Directional Dependent Green’s Function and Kelvin Images
    Archive of Applied Mechanics, 82, pp.1325-1335
  • “On the Neumann Function and the Method of Images in Spherical and
    Ellipsoidal Geometry”

    (with J. Sten)
    Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
    , 35, pp.482-496
  • “Blood Plasma Flow Past a Red Cell: Mathematical Modeling and Analytic Treatment”
    (with M.Hadjinicolaou and E.Protopapas)
    Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 35, pp.1547-1563
  • “Ellipsoidal Harmonics. Theory and Applications”
    Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, Volume 146, 458 pages,
    Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • Mathematical Modelling of Avascular Ellipsoidal Tumour Growth
    (with F.Kariotou, B.D.Sleeman and M.Tsampas)
    Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 70, pp. 1-24