Crosslinked wholly aromatic polymeric electrolyte proton conductors based on quinoline units
Inventors: C. Kallitsis- I. Kallitsis- S. Kakogianni- A. Andreopoulou- S. Neophytides- M. Daletou
Date: 2016
Priority Data: 26.09.2016 - GR20160100491
Appl. No: EP3300155A1 - 26.09.2017 - Pending
Applicant: FORTH/ICE-HT- University of Patras
Valid In: GREECE
Legal Status: Valid in Greece; Pending in Europe
Date: 2016
Priority Data: 26.09.2016 - GR20160100491
Appl. No: EP3300155A1 - 26.09.2017 - Pending
Applicant: FORTH/ICE-HT- University of Patras
Valid In: GREECE
Legal Status: Valid in Greece; Pending in Europe