Catalysts for the combustion of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
Inventors: Ioannides Th., Verykios X., Papaefthymiou P.
Date: 1997
Priority Data: 24.01.1997 - GR970100021A
Appl. No: GR1002923B - 16.06.1998
Applicant: FORTH/ICE-HT, Inventors
Valid In: Greece until 25.01.2017
Legal Status: No more Valid
Date: 1997
Priority Data: 24.01.1997 - GR970100021A
Appl. No: GR1002923B - 16.06.1998
Applicant: FORTH/ICE-HT, Inventors
Valid In: Greece until 25.01.2017
Legal Status: No more Valid